UROK - San Pasqual Academy

UROK Learning is a skills-support provider on-site at San Pasqual Academy.

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Bi-Weekly Blog Challenge

For your chance to win the book of your choice, place your entries in the box on the wall in Room 204. (Limit one entry per student, per challenge)

Challenge #1: Go to www.websudoku.com and print a puzzle. Follow the rules, complete the puzzle and turn it in.

Challenge #2: Four ur chance too win, all u gotta do is re-right this chalenge entry. be shore to corect all the misstakes u find.

The award will go to the student whose correct entry is drawn at the pizza party this Friday, March 10.

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Look to the UROK-Blog for your chance to WIN!!!

From time to time we will be posting $5 challenge questions on the bolg. These will be posted at the end of the school day. The prize: $5.00, will be awarded to the first SPA student to find the question and post the correct answer. The answer should be posted as a comment on the blog.

Happy Hunting!

writing skills

The next chapter of Roots due will be that entitled 'able/ible'. it is all of one page (p. 198), and we will be correcting it on Wednesday, March 1. While I know this seems like an extraodinary task to conquer, I have confidence that each and everyone of you can indeed complete it.

hats off to robbie and emmanuel

Every once in a while someone steps up and deserves recognition. While we're not going to host a rewards ceremony in the auditorium, I am going to do one better- put names on the UROK blog!! Three cheers to Emmanuel Robertson and Robbie Brillhart for acing the last Hobbit quiz. Good on ya, fellas.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Congatulations Michelle M!

You are the winner of the $5 blog challenge. Aaron Burr shot and mortally wounded Alexander Hamilton in a duel while Vice-President. Although he won the duel, the event ruined his political career.

Keep your eyes on our BLOG for future $5 challenges. We will try to post at least one per week.


I've got FIVE BUCKS for anyone who can answer the following question:

Who was the last Vice-President involved in shooting someone (before Dick Cheney)?

The five dollars goes to the first SPA student to post the correct answer to the blog. Enter your answer as a comment to this post.

Friday, February 17, 2006

Pizza Party Pushed Past Presidents' Day

That's right, y'all.

We wouldn't want to miss the extra special soul food lunch being hosted by Johnny and his cafeteria crew. So, we're moving the pizza party to next Friday, February 24.

See you there!


Thursday, February 16, 2006

The First Bi-Weekly Challenge Drawing Will Be Held Friday, Feb. 24!!!

Hey! Everybody!

Next Friday is the first drawing for a Bi-Weekly Challenge prize. So far, two students have turned in entries. Unless some of you get on the ball, Lukkas or Tanesa will be a guaranteed winner of whatever it is that you aren't going to get.

Refer to the post below for directions on how to enter!


Tuesday, February 14, 2006

writing skills

Roots 'tract', pp. 187-197 will be corrrected in class on February 16th. That's this Thursday for you that aren't really sure on how the calender works. The next section due is 'able/ible', p. 198.
We will correct that on March 1.

reading essentials

The quiz on the last three chapters of The Hobbit will now be February 22nd, as opposed to February 24th. I realize that the 24th was originally on you calender, so I'll fit another day in there for you to read in class. Don't forget your vocab. card on this one!

A Quick Note About "Comments"

Recently, I had the extreme displeasure of finding negative and vulgar comments left on our blog. And, no surprise, the offending individual--or individuals--did not have the courage to identify himself or herself. Vulgarity and cowardice, are these the characteristics we choose to practice and develop in ourselves?

It is our goal that through this blog we open an additional channel of communication and support for you, our students. Therefore, we encourage you to participate through the leaving of comments regarding the blog, class, making connections to books, magazines, the news, your own experiences.

Vulgar comments will not be posted. I manage this site, and don't need to read your mental droppings.

Jim Johnson

Monday, February 13, 2006

Bonus Drawings at Future Pizza Parties!!!

If you want to be the first winner of the new Bi-Weekly Challenge drawing at the Pizza Party this Friday, you can do one of two things:

1. Math: Go to www.websudoku.com. Print out a sudoku puzzle by clicking on the "print puzzle" command. Complete this puzzle and turn it in to the Bi-Weekly Challenge box in Room 204 by 12:00 noon, Friday. Each completed puzzle is an entry. (Limit: 5 entries per person).

2. Language Arts: Homonyms are words that sound the same, but are spelled differently(mind/mined, soared/sword). Come up with three sets of homonyms, then use and spell them correctly in a sentence(one sentence for each pair of homonyms). Each entry should have three sentences. (Limit: 5 entries per person.) Drop all entries in the box in Room 204 by 12:00 noon, Friday.

A winner will be drawn from the Bi-Weekly Challenge box at the Pizza Party on Friday, February 17, 2006.

We are still trying to decide on just what sort of prize to offer. So, if you would like to leave a comment with a suggestion, we'd love to hear from you.

Friday, February 10, 2006

You Can Lead a Horse to Water

"Education is effective in proportion to its voluntariness."
-Arnold J. Toynbee

I'm sure you all know the saying, "You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink." Singer/songwriter Ben Harper adds, "You can put a man through school, but you can't make him think." Here at San Pasqual there is a lot of water to drink, but it's you who have to decide to step up to the trough. Nothing makes a greater difference in your growth and maturity than your commitment to yourself. Be alert. Be engaged. Ask questions. Drink deeply...Think deeply.


Friday, February 03, 2006


Just an extra heads up on material due next week.
Roots: ver/vert/vers will be corrected in class on Tuesday, Feb. 7.

6th period Math Support

If you are looking for Jim Johnson's 6th period math class you can find it at the Tech Center in Mr. Litoff's room.

Oh! And by the way, CONGRATULATIONS to all of my "A" students from last quarter! There were so many, I'm going to have to be tougher next time around. And thanks to ALL of my students for not failing(that's right, no F's). Keep up the hard work and I'll see you in class.


Thursday, February 02, 2006

UROK is back online!!!

This is just to let everyone know that the UROK Blog is up and running. We will be posting tidbits about what we are working on in class. If you have comments for us, please feel free to post them.